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What theme would you like the Erotic Story Contest 8 to be ? Voting Ends Sun 31 AUG 2014.
1. Investigation - Police, Private, your own .. |
  0 (0%) |
2. Voyeurism - watching or taking part. |
  1 (3.8%) |
3. Seasonal - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. |
  0 (0%) |
4. At work : office, building site, garage, bar, car racer, advocate, police, army... |
  3 (11.5%) |
5. Water/ Nautical - involve water, pool, lake, sea, shower, bathtub, rain, car wash... |
  4 (15.4%) |
6. Toys and tease. Sex is optional. |
  2 (7.7%) |
7. Free theme. Any Story you want. No under- age , No bestiality |
  1 (3.8%) |
8. Cheating / Infidelity |
  7 (26.9%) |
9. Outer Space - interstellar space journey, worm hole trip, a colonizing trip to a new world. |
  5 (19.2%) |
10. Historical – Any era |
  3 (11.5%) |
: 25 |
: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 - O.T. ( 38644 )